Yesterday I was able to finish one
of the books in my to-be-read pile (which seems to be getting higher each
year), it was shelved for two years before I finally got around to reading it.
I remember how long it has been because I bought it right after graduation,
courtesy of the toga rental fee that mother allowed me to have. I won’t also
forget how I squealed with delight when I saw it in the shelf of Booksale; it
has been on my list for months and on that day I finally got to take home The Help.
I have a rule that I should read
the book first before watching its film adaptation, but this one was an
exception. The movie was so good that I just had to buy and read the book. It’s
a proof that a movie and a book can co-exist without one being great than the
other (because we always tend to say that the one on paper is much better than
the one on screen).