Two weeks has already passed
since I ended my longest hiatus (40 days) from social media. Now that I’m back
on the regular rounds of status, 3 x 3 grid, and more or less 140 characters to
express my thoughts, I found myself thinking back to the time when I shut it
During the first week of my
absence, people and fried were wondering, Why
did you disconnect? Are you deactivated? Why the need? Well, because I was
fed up. I was overwhelmed with all these things that a screen can present for
hours without an end. The internet became a labyrinth that I didn’t know how to
get out off. It was eating me up, and I was already beginning to feel lost. On
the deeper side of things, I found myself questioning my own posts; do the things I post online still reflect a
real version of me? Is there still authenticity? I might just be a bad case
of being an over thinker, but still it bothered me.